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lionwq | 2008-01-19 14:23:42    阅读:39703   发布文章

(1)bsd tcp/ip stack--最经典的tcp/ip stack
Wright 和 Stevens 在《TCP/IP详解 卷2:实现》中详细剖析了其源代码,该书十分精彩!

(2)lwip( ,

lwIP is a small independent implementation of the TCP/IP protocolsuite that has been developed by Adam Dunkels at the Computer and Networks Architectures (CNA) lab at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS).

The focus of the lwIP TCP/IP implementation is to reduce resource usage while still having a full scale TCP. This making lwIP suitable for use in embedded systems with tens of kilobytes of free RAM and room for around 40 kilobytes of code ROM.

lwIP features:

- IP (Internet Protocol) including packet forwarding over multiple network interfaces
- ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) for network maintenance and debugging
- UDP (User Datagram Protocol) including experimental UDP-lite extensions
- TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) with congestion control, RTT estimation and fast recovery/fast retransmit
- Specialized raw API for enhanced performance
- Optional Berkeley-alike socket API
- DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
- PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol)
- ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) for Ethernet

License : Modified BSD License
Registration Date : Thursday 10/17/02 at 21:13 UTC
Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable

设计文档:Adam Dunkels,
Design and Implementation of the lwIP TCP/IP Stack(pdf)

Adam Dunkels 在 上给出的一些tcp/ip实现及其它重要信息:
Other small TCP/IP implementations:

  • uIP - My own very small free TCP/IP implementation, suitable for systems with hundreds of bytes free RAM and a few kilobytes of free code space.
  • Picnic - A hardware design with a PIC and an Ethernet chip that includes software for running a web server.
  • CMX Micronet - A commercial small TCP/IP implementation for 8-bit systems.
  • InterNiche NicheStack - A commercial TCP/IP stack for embedded systems.
  • LiveDevices Embedinet - A small commercial TCP/IP stack for PIC and H8S.
  • Kadak KwikNet - A commercial TCP/IP stack for embedded systems.
  • uC/IP - uC/IP is a BSD-based TCP/IP protocol stack for microcontrollers.
  • TinyTCP - A very slim TCP, IP, and FTP implementation.
  • WWWpic2 - Small HTTP/TCP/IP implementation for a PIC.
  • PIC Web Server - Small HTTP/TCP/IP/SLIP PIC implementation.
  • Liquorice - Liquorice includes a TCP/IP stack.
  • CPC/IP - A TCP/IP stack for Amstrad CPCs.
  • LUnix - LUnix contains a small TCP/IP stack.
  • JOS - JOS includes a TCP/IP implementation.

Very small web servers:

  • webACE - World's Smallest Web Server.
  • iPIC - A Match Head Sized Web Server.

Related RFCs:

Related publications:

  • V. Jacobson. Congestion avoidance and control. In Proceedings of the SIGCOMM '88 Conference, Stanford, California, August 1988.
  • V. Jacobson. 4.3BSD TCP header prediction. ACM Computer Communications Review, 20(2), April 1990.
  • P. Karn and C. Partridge. Improving round-trip time estimates in reliablie transport protocols. In Proceedings of the SIGCOMM '87 Conference, Stowe, Vermont, August 1987.
  • J. Kay and J. Pasquale. Profiling and Reducing Processing Overheads in TCP/IP. IEEE/ACM Transactions of Networking, 4(6), December 1996.
  • L. Larzon, M. Degermark, and S. Pink. UDP Lite for real-time multimedia applications. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference of Communications, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 1999.
  • P. E. McKenney and K. F. Dove. Efcient demultiplexing of incoming TCP packets. In Proceedings of the SIGCOMM '92 Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, August 1992.
  • C. Partridge and S. Pink. A faster UDP. IEEE/ACM Transactions in Networking, 1(4), August 1993.



ajqq02lp10 [ 匿名]  2008-05-31 00:56:49 

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ajqq02lp10 [ 匿名]  2008-05-31 00:56:48 

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ajqq02lp10 [ 匿名]  2008-05-31 00:56:48 

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ajqq02lp10 [ 匿名]  2008-05-31 00:56:48 

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